duminică, 20 mai 2012

Faci bani din Poker online? NU...

Poker online vs Poker live

Microbul poker-ului online m-a prins in urma cu cativa ani; intai am incercat internet-ul dar fiind programator de meserie nu am putut accepta niciodata situatiile de joc intalnite; dupa asta am trecut prin casino-uri, unde in decurs de 6luni am castigat niste turnee de astea uzuale am si pierdut dar am ramas cu senzatia ca se pot face bani din poker.
Trebuie mentionate avantajele si dezavbantajele.celor 2 tipuri de jocuri:

Poker live

Avantaje: viata la masa de poker este unica, filatul cartilor, garantia ca orice se intampla e real
Dezavantaje: se mai isca certuri la masa, se mai intampla sa greseasca dealer-ul

Poker online

Avantaje: poti juca mai multe mese o data, poti folosi programe ajutatoare pentru a vedea statistici live, poti juca oricand, nu e nevoie de deplasare


Faptul ca poker-ul online nu ofera garantia ca ceea ce se intampla e real si nici nu va putea vreodata, este un mare pas inapoi. Ca jucator de poker live am vazut la viata mea maini "oribile"; problema este ca in casino esti convins ca "asa a fost sa fie" pe cand pe net nu ai cum sa nu-i suspectezi de favoritisme la turnee sau interes pt rake la cash.

Astazi dupa o 2 ore de joc la mize 1/2centi pe Poker Stars m-am declarat invins pentru totdeauna, solicitandu-le sa-mi inchida contul, intrucat ceea ce ar trebui sa fie fun si relaxare (1/2centi nu te imbogatesti) se dovedeste mereu a fi o sursa maxima de nervi.

Inainte de a va deschide cont pe site-urile de poker unde veti plati cu cardurile de credit aveti in vedere ca ei nu ofera posibilitatea de a iti sterge conturl si istoricul atasat, nici macar la cerere.

Raspunsul lor la solicitarea de a inchide contul:

Hello XXX,

 Thank you for your email.

At your request, we have closed your account.

Please note that when an account is closed, it will still remain in our system. If you change your mind and want to play at PokerStars again, you will need to request for this account to be reopened. It is not possible to close one account in order to open a new one. For additional reference, simply not using your account is equivalent to closing it, as the system will recognise it is inactive after a six month period.

 Can you tell us why you want your account closed? We always like to know why our customers are leaving us.

 Regarding the personal information in your account, this is not deleted when an account is closed. Regulations require that the information be kept for security and integrity purposes.

We undertake substantial efforts to protect the confidentiality of personal information. We will not knowingly allow access to this information to anyone outside PokerStars, other than to the
player or as described in our Privacy Policy, which may be found here:

 We appreciate you playing on our site and we hope to see you at PokerStars again in the future.

vineri, 4 mai 2012



Ziua Ora Tip Turneu Buy-in Hetoane
Marţi 20:00 NLH | Re-buy, Add-on 100Lei + 30 Lei 2.000
Miercuri 20:00 NLH | Re-buy, Add-on 200Lei + 30 Lei 3.000
Joi 20:00 NLH | Re-buy, Add-on 100Lei + 30 Lei 2.000
Vineri 20:00 NLH | Re-buy, Add-on 300Lei + 50 Lei 4.000

TURNEE LUNARE TEXAS HOLDEM (fiecare a doua Sâmbătă din lună)

Ziua Ora Tip Turneu Buy-in Hetoane
Sâmbăta 1 17:00 NLH | Freezeout 1000Lei + 100 Lei 15.000
Sâmbăta 2 17:00 CUPA METROPOLIS
NLH | Freezeout
2000Lei + 200 Lei 20.000


1.000 fise pentru jucatorii care au achitat intrarea in turneu inainte de ora 20:00 la turneul de 130RON, 1.500 fise la turneul de 230RON si 2.000 fise la turneul de 350RON

luni, 16 ianuarie 2012

CSS Nice Captcha trick

How many times as a website developer did you encountered problems arranging the layout of a form because of of the captcha verification code?

Yesterday as i was doing an update to a site i've developed some time ago an ideea hit me: why not use as background for the input something like:

background: url(http://path/to/image/script.php) no-repeat;
text-indent: 30px

..and the efect was amaizing; see example here
